Monday April 6th, 2020: (1) Read my welcome message. (2) Finish up the before reading activities. (3) Please complete and e-mail me the Exit slip.

Tuesday April 7th, 2020: (1) Pre-read Act 1 scene 1. (2) Listen to the audio and read along with the written text. (3) Complete the Act 1 scene 1 activities.

Wednesday April 8th, 2020: (1) Please complete and e-mail me the journal that is assigned in Act 1 scene 1 activities.

Thursday April 9th, 2020: We will all meet today through the Hangout platform. For the time, please visit the Hangout Claneder link. Please make sure that you have completed your work, so we can discusss.

Friday April 10th-Wednesday April 15th, 2020: No School and so no assignments 🙂