Assalamu Alaikum Dear Huda Students,

I pray that you and your family are all well and in good health.

In my heart of hearts, I miss you all very much and I pray that Allah (SWT) will give us the strength in health and faith, and patience to get us through these harsh times. Inshallah through His mercy, ‘this too shall pass’, and before we know it, we will be reunited again in our beloved school and English room.

Transferring all education and classes online…just came too soon for me! I truly believed that distance learning for all students, and completely relaying on technology for all sorts of communication was reserved for a brave new world. An unforeseeable time… far far… far away into the future. But here we are today in a brave new world!

You all know the naked truth… that I hopelessly dislike technology and I am awkward around it and creating a blog is absolute madness; it took me forever and a day…hence the title of the blog! Though even creating a blog maybe madness, there is method in it that only my husband can understand. I would like to take this opportunity to give credit to my wonderful husband Ahmed, who jumped started this blog for us. He made sure that I felt comfortable in settling into my far-from perfect- new digital classroom.

So I want to welcome you all to the Forever and a Day blog, where I hope to encourage you to enjoy the remaining ELA material from the semester. I would like to remind you that as Huda students, I have high expectations that you will all fully participate in all activities and discussions. There will be some activities and assignments that will count towards your final grade, and so with this opportunity for you to increase your mark, I will not accept any old assignments for re-evaluation. It is very important for you to read the full instructions for each activity and assignment, because each will be different. Sometimes I ask you to post your answers in the comment section, and the other times I will ask you to e-mail me your answers. My RBE e-mail is:

I am fortunate to teach Shakespeare to both classes ELA B9 and ELA B30. The grade 12s have already started the Shakespearean unit, so we will continue with those pre-reading activities and continue on with the play. As for the grade 9s, you will start by reading the post in the homepage titled Why do Muslims Study Shakespeare. Then you will move to the introductory videos and activities in your grade link above. I will not be posting new activities everyday, but rather every other day. Also, I hope to meet up in the ‘Google Hangout’ platform at least once a week for each grade. Once the Hangout room is up and running, I will let you know under the Updates and Announcement link above.

Like I mentioned before, blogging is a new tool for me and it will take me time to adjust to it. So please be patient! I will try my best to keep the blogs moving forward with the content. For more information on class material and activities click on your grade level link above.

Thank you for visiting the Forever and a Day blog. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below.

Take care and I hope you stay healthy and safe.


Teacher Narmeen

P.S. How many of you can spot the Shakespearean phrases in the first three paragraphs of my welcome message? Write them down in the comments below. The first student to write them all will be the STAR student of the week 🙂